Member Notice – Six Nations tickets

Tickets can now be ordered for the 2025 Guinness 6 Nations home fixtures.

Tickets are prices as follows;

Category / Game & date A B C D AFZ*
Ireland 22.02.25 £130 £120 £115 £60 £80

£40 (U18)

England 15.03.25 £130 £120 £115 £60 £80

£40 (U18)

*AFZ = Alcohol Free Zone. Under 18 half price ticket available in this zone at £40.

All tickets will be distributed digitally. Anyone ordering tickets will need to download the Principality Stadium ticketing App in advance in order to receive their tickets.

Deadline for ticket requests is Saturday 14th September 2024.

Please contact Dorian on 01267 231865 with your requests. Once your request has been made, ticket will have to be paid for.


Os hoffech mwy o wybodaeth neu archebu tocynnau, cysylltwch â Dorian ar 01267 231865. Unwaith i chi wneud eich cais am docyn/tocynnau fe fydd yn rhaid talu amdanynt.

Quins 150 Club – Clwb 150 y Quins

The Quins 150 Club is a hugely important resource for us as a means of raising funds for the club, as well as being a fantastic way for you, our valued supporters, to support and keep in touch with the club.

If you’ve moved away from the area, can’t get to games on a regular basis but still keen to show your support, why not join Quins 150 Club?

For as little as £10 per month, either paid by monthly standing order or in one payment, Quins 150 members benefit from:

  • Free club membership including attendance to a free buffet and two free drinks at the Clubhouse, following the annual AGM generally held in July of each year
  • Inclusion in twelve monthly prize draws, which feature cash prizes:
    1. 1st Prize £150
    2. 2nd Prize £100
    3. 3rd Prize £75
    4. 4th Prize £50
    5. 5th Prize £25
  • Inclusion in an exclusive draw for a pair of Six Nations International tickets for a selected home game at Principality Stadium
  • Priority in the club ticket allocations
  • Invite to a special Quins 150 Club exclusive event in the Brian Jones suite, on Saturday 8th February, as Wales take on Italy in the Six Nations Championship; includes buffet and a drink

To join the Quins 150 Club you can set up a direct debit for a monthly payment of £10 or pay by cheque in advance £120.

  • Account – Carmarthen RFC Q Club
  • Number – 86041668
  • Sort code – 30-99-50
  • Reference – your name

Yearly membership runs from July to June with the first three month draws all drawn in September and monthly thereafter.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Roger Ayres on email, phone 07989 444889 or on X @rogerabergwili



Mae Clwb 150 y Quins wedi bod yn nodwedd holl bwysig o’n hymdrechion dros y blynyddoedd diweddar i gasglu arian at y clwb.

Yn ogystal â’n cynorthwyo ni i gasglu arian i barhau i redeg y clwb i’r safon uchaf, mae bod yn aelod o Glwb 150 y Quins yn ffordd arbennig o gadw mewn cysylltiad, yn enwedig os ydych wedi symud o’r ardal ac yn methu mynychu gemau’n rheolaidd.

Pris aelodaeth yw £10 y mis ac mae cyfle gyda chi i ennill gwobrau arbennig trwy gydol y flwyddyn, a chael mynediad i fuddion egsliwsif!

Mae aelodaeth yn cynnwys;

  • Mynediad am ddim i’r clwb gan gynnwys bwffe a 2 ddiod am ddim ar ôl y Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol, sydd fel arfer yn digwydd ym mis Gorffennaf
  • Cyfle i ennill gwobrau yn fisol, gan gynnwys gwobrau ariannol:
    1. Prif wobr £150
    2. Ail wobr £100
    3. Trydedd wobr £75
    4. Pedweredd gwobr £50
    5. Pumed wobr £25
  • Cyfle i gael pâr o docynnau i un o gemau Pencampwriaeth y Chwe Gwlad yn Stadiwm Principality
  • Blaenoriaeth yn y dyraniadau tocynnau clwb
  • Gwahoddiad i ddigwyddiad arbennig i aelodau Clwb 150 y Quins yn Ystafell Brian Jones, ar ddydd Sadwrn 8fed Chwefror, wrth i Gymru wynebu’r Eidal ym Mhencampwriaeth y Chwe Gwlad; i gynnwys bwffe a diod

I ymuno â Chlwb 150 y Quins gallwch sefydlu debyd uniongyrchol am daliad misol o £10 neu dalu â siec o flaen llaw £120.

  • Cyfrif – Carmarthen RFC Q Club
  • Rhif – 86041668
  • Côd didoli – 30-99-50
  • Cyfeiriad – eich enw

Mae aelodaeth flynyddol yn rhedeg o fis Gorffennaf i fis Mehefin gyda’r tri mis cyntaf i gyd yn cael eu tynnu ym mis Medi ac yn fisol wedi hynny.

Am fwy o wybodaeth, neu os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â Roger Ayres ar e-bost, ffôn 07989 444889 neu ar X @rogerabergwili

Pre-season friendlies – Gemau cyfeillgar

2024-25 is set to be a very special season for Carmarthen Quins as we celebrate our 150th anniversary!

To kick-off our historic season at Carmarthen Park we’re delighted to confirm details of our upcoming pre-season friendlies.

As you’ll no doubt already be aware, club talisman Haydn Pugh is hanging up his rugby boots but will grace the hallowed turf at Carmarthen Park one last time for a hugely deserved testimonial match on Saturday 10th August.

Pughie has assembled a star-studded Select XV which will take on his beloved Carmarthen Quins as he enjoys one last hit out.

Come along and show your support for one of the club’s greats.

On Saturday 31st August we will be welcoming a Scarlets Select XV for a truly regional celebration before we welcome old friends Cornish Pirates to the Park on Saturday 7th September.

For just £15 you can gain entry to both games, Scarlets and Cornish Pirates, saving 25% off the normal ticket price.

Pre-match hospitality is also available for both games, priced at £34 per person per game.

The hospitality package includes;

  • Pre-match two course hot meal
  • Two drinks
  • Entry to Park & Grandstand
  • Matchday programme
  • Post-match hot snack of Sausage & Chips

Supporters interested in this offer would need to be at the clubhouse by 12:30 on matchday.

To purchase match tickets or to book your hospitality package please contact Dorian Taylor on 07789 051510.

Pre-season friendlies;

  • Saturday 10th August, KO 14:30 – Haydn Pugh Testimonial, Haydn Pugh Select XV v Carmarthen Quins
  • Saturday 31st August, KO 14:30  – Carmarthen Quins v Scarlets
  • Saturday 7th September, KO 14:30 – Carmarthen Quins v Cornish Pirates



Mae tymor 2024-25 yn un hanesyddol i Glwb Quins Caerfyrddin wrth i ni ddathlu canrif a hanner o rygbi yn y dref.

Cyn i ni ddechrau ar ein taith yn y gynghrair newydd, Super Rygbi Cymru, rydym ni’n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at eich gwahodd i Barc Caerfyrddin ar gyfer triawd o gemau cyfeillgar.

Mae un o fawrion y clwb, Haydn Pugh, wedi penderfynu rhoi’r gorau i’w yrfa ar y cae chwarae ac rydym ni’n falch iawn o lwyfannu Gêm Dysteb iddo ar ddydd Sadwrn 10fed Awst.

Mae Pughie wedi ymgynnull tîm o sêr i wynebu Quins Caerfyrddin wrth iddo droedio i’r cae am y tro olaf.

Ymunwch â ni i ddathlu ei yrfa arbennig a diolch iddo am ei ymrwymiad i’r clwb dros y blynyddoedd.

Fe fydd y Quins wedyn yn croesawu’r Scarlets i’r Parc ar ddydd Sadwrn 31ain Awst a Môr-ladron Cernyw, ddydd Sadwrn 7fed Medi.

Gallwch fwynhau mynediad i’r ddwy gêm yma am £15 yn unig, arbediad o 25% oddi ar bris arferol.

Rydym yn falch iawn cynnig pecyn lletygarwch ar gyfer y ddwy gêm hefyd, am £34 y pen y gêm.

Mae’r pecyn lletygarwch yn cynnwys;

  • Pryd bwyd twym 2 gwrs cyn y gêm
  • Dau ddiod
  • Mynediad i’r Parc a’r Eisteddle
  • Rhaglen y gêm
  • Selsig a sglodion ar ôl y gêm

Bydd disgwyl i gefnogwyr fo dyn y clwb erbyn 12:30 i fwynhau’r lletygarwch.

I brynu’ch tocynnau neu i archebu tocyn lletygarwch cysylltwch â Dorian Taylor ar 07789 051510.

Dewi Thomas

All at the club are saddened to hear of the passing of true Mighty Quin, Mr Dewi Thomas.

Dewi represented the club over a number of years as a strong running, hard centre that played with an edge that opponents found difficult to handle as he would  never take a backward step. Playing for and captaining  the Quins Second XV  otherwise known as Carmarthen United or more fondly as the F Troop, a team that epitomised rugby, play had on the field, enjoy off the field, Dewi was part of a band of brothers who lived and breathed the Quins.

Away from rugby Dewi was a distinguished fire fighter serving the Community for many, many years.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Sheila and to son Steffan who as we all know is our 1st XV Team Manager. We hope at this difficult time you can find comfort that Dewi was a highly regarded individual not only in the Quins and the rugby fraternity but the wider community.

Dewi Thomas 2nd from left on the back row


Congratulations Mr TD Phillips

The successful winner of two International tickets for the Wales v Italy match on 16th March 2024 is membership number 81, Mr TD Phillips. Congratulations and hopefully you can witness a positive result for Wales.

Elis Price becomes the latest international

Congratulations to Elis Price who has become Carmarthen Quins most recent capped player. Elis came of the bench to feature in last nights Wales U20’s fixture versus France.

A great experience that you will never forget!

Congratulations Elis.



In the face of adversity, Carmarthen Quins u16’s keep plugging away and today got a thoroughly deserved victory. After a difficult few months, the coaching group and players have shown huge resilience and commitment.

You absolutely deserve this.

Pontyberem U16’s 24 – 29 Carmarthen Quins U16’s.



THREE Carmarthen Quins players helped orchestrate a Scarlets Under 18’s regional title.

The Scarlets played the Ospreys at the Talbot Athletic Ground with the winner taking the crown.

The Scarlets made it a comfortable night, winning 40 points to 10 making them unbeaten. Carmarthen Quins’ star boy Carwyn Jones earned the Player of the match award.

Just be aware, he’s TWO YEARS YOUNG!!

Congratulations to Carwyn Jones, Elis Price and Will Davies.


Rest in Peace, Linda Webb

All at Carmarthen Quins would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to our long serving committee member and minutes secretary, Phil Webb on the passing of his wife, Linda Webb.

The funeral will take place on Saturday 13th January at 10:30 at Holy Trinity Church, Pontargothi.
