1893/94 “A Step Back in Time” – Smoking Concert

The Welshman, 16th February 1894



A most enjoyable evening was spent by the members of the Carmarthen Football Club and their friends at the Nelson Hotel, Carmarthen on Thursday evening the 8th Inst.’

Owing to the unavoidable and regretted absence of the Mayor (Mr H. Cadle), the chair was occupied by Mr D. Griffiths, Compton House and he was supported on the left by Mr C. H. Williams and on the right by Mr Owen Norton. Later on Mr D. H. R. Thomas took Mr Norton’s place as the latter was obliged to leave soon after the proceedings had begun. Mr Norton, however, before leaving, did not forget to fill the company’s glasses.

The Chairman opened the concert by a short speech in which he said that the Carmarthen Club consisted mostly of young men who promised in time to blossom into first-class players. Next year he hoped they would practice together a good deal and combine together, and he was sure they would prove a stumbling block to some of the foremost teams.

Afterwards a splendid programme was gone through. Songs were given by Mr Jack Olive, Mr J. E. Lewis, Mr Fred W. Morgan, Mr Lewis Giles, Mr J. A. Price, Mr Gwilym Davies, Mr Bill K. Morgan, Mr Tom Giles, Mr Harry Jones, Mr D. Lewis (with whistling symphony) and Mr Louis Rees. A splendid recitation was given by Mr Owen Jones. Mr T. Paddicombe acted as accompanist in his usual able manner. Votes of thanks to the chairman and accompanist terminated the proceedings.